Open Call

Chai with Rai is excited to announce it’s next audio storytelling series in partnership with the LGBTQ+ Community Centre on London Bankside. The audio series is titled “An Ode: Reframing the Classics” which will have a release in Summer ‘25 at a curated exhibition space in the LGBTQ+ Community Centre on London Bankside.

We are looking to commission 5 writers of LGBTQ+ identifying backgrounds who will be awarded a fully produced short audio storytelling episode.

Alongside that, each writer will also receive £50.00 and a public release of their episode on the Chai with Rai podcast with a featured artist interview.

How to submit:

  • We want you to interpret the theme of the audio series “An Ode: Reframing the Classics” in any form and submit a short story ( no more than two A4 pages or 3 mins video/ audio file max). You can also have a look HERE at Chai with Rai’s previous audio storytelling series which was supported by London Friend and get to know the creatives involved/ the process.

  • Submission deadline: 10:00 am 15th March, 25. 

  • Entry Requirements and FAQ’s are listed below.

  • To enter Submit Click HERE.

    (an Online session will be held on 26th February,25 at 18:30 GMT for a Q&A and walk through of the project. You can register your interest HERE ).

    • Only LGBTQ+ identifying writers are eligible for this commission.

    • One Entry per artist. However, you can submit as a duo and split the profits.

    • You must be either London based or be willing to travel to London for the recording of the piece/ interview.

    • You must be of age 18+ to apply.

    • Are there any age limitations to submissions?

      You must be of age 18+ to submit.

    • Can writers at any point of their career submit?

      Yes! We encourage writers whether they are emerging, mid- career or established to apply. We especially welcome writers from Neurodiverse and POC backgrounds.

    • Will all writers be contacted regarding the outcome?

      Yes. All writers will be contacted of the outcome of their application.

    • What are the steps when you get selected?

      Once selected, an initial online or in-person meeting will be scheduled in which we will discuss the piece, dramaturgy support and the recording process. We will then post- produce and outline the distribution plan which will include your work being featured in a curated exhibition at the LGBTQ+ Community Centre on London Bankside in Summer '25. Your short story and interview will then be released on the Chai with Rai podcast.