“Vitamin D” w/ Saher Shah

From Rude Gal Tings to Jalebi's and discussing Life in East London. It was so much fun to talk with Actor and Writer Saher Shah.

We highlight her UK tour of the play Vitamin D, which she has written and stars as Larki.

In the episode we discuss:

  • Thoughts on the audition process, Audition Monologues- challenges and joys of it. Takes on how to deal within the room and also with the casting hear backs when you’re in the unknown.

  • The joys and challenges of being a creator of opportunity.

  • View point on being labelled South Asian artist or actor or writer often and the South Asian Arts community at large in the UK and in mainstream projects.

  • What was the point of leaving the NHS work behind and what aspects of the jobs do you miss, don’t miss/ brought with you into the industry.

  • Ace Process and 3 things somebody would have shared with ya that you would like to impart on people

  • Acting from stage to tv. What do you feel light has been a standing moment not a credit but in experience and what is challenging?

  • Writing process: How do you create. And how have been the writers labs for you from Mfest to Rosemary Branch Theatre's writers in residency programme Shrill Voices. Rifco Theatre’s Associates

  • Being a Trustee for Stepladder foundation. Intrigued to know how you got involved and tell us about the foundation

  • Seed commission by Kahani Arts. Intrigued to know that process

  • Vitamin D: R&D and then now returning for a tour this year. And it explores Larki moving back home after a divorce.

  • Personal or surrounding experience narrative how do you safeguard and balance conscious and unconscious bias in order to tell the story and explore the themes surrounding.

  • Do you remember the first point of memory where you were like this is what I am going to do and is it the thing that still fuels you or has it evolved?

  • Islamaphobia/ Representation of the community

  • Thoughts on the entrainment at large and then the South Asian pocket?

  • Thoughts on social media and the new age influencer creatives.

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