“Reject Hustle Culture” w/ Victoria Chen

Victoria Chen. Female. 20's. Wearing white shirt. Hair side parted and slicked back. Floral artwork in the back

This has to be one of the most packed chat in the shortest time. From getting straight into discussing Authenticity vs representation of a story to discussing the "Hustle Culture" artists constantly are fed.

Welcoming into the Chai room Maker, Director, Actor and an overall Multidisciplinary artist Victoria Chen. This is a sipful and some more.

In the episode we talk about:

  • What drives you emotionally when creating work and how do you balance Theatre making and directing work for yourself vs others?

  • Discussing the following: Bhumi Collective, Bahri &Co and work with Wild Rice Productions.

  • Authenticity vs Representation within a project.

  • Dysmorhpia: a personal piece about body dysmorphic disorder- What to explore not to and what were your reflections on the final product.

  • Thoughts on digital space structure and its role in the artists life. Pro’s and con’s of it and any tips on how to use it to benefit/ safeguard yourself.

  • 3 things the industry could do with and without

  • Your strength as a theatre maker and something you feel like is a challenge you are working on.

  • Your measure for success

  • One thing you would like for people to take with them after having met or worked with you.

  • A thing you would like to impart somebody but you never got told.

  • Favourite part of the job

  • A tip on picking a good monologue for auditions or on auditioning.

  • A tip on how to pitch your projects.

  • Thoughts on: Is it imperative to learn the business of the industry? Networking tools, names of Casting Directors, Filmmakers, Research on the industry and etc.

  • One note on survivability/ viability as a freelancer in the arts and an investment financial too/ advice to give someone.

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