“Lease on Life” w/ Afriya- Jasmine Nylander

Carrying on with the interview series with the writers from "Symphonies of Beaded Threads" diving into the mind of Afriya- Jasmine Nylander. who wrote the short story titled "Professional Daydreamer".  

About Afriya:

Afriya-Jasmine Nylander is a Writer, Actor and Producer based in West London. She studied Theatre at the Brit School where she performed Shakespeare at Stratford-Upon-Avon, was chosen for the NSDF Festival 2021, and was a part of the Bridge Company. 

In 2023, she had her professional Debut in Charli Josephine’s play “Flies”and was involved in The Lyric Hammersmith stage response project of “The African Mean Girls”. She has worked with the National Theatre as an assistant producer of “Death of England: Closing Time” written by the award-winning Clint Dyer and Roy Williams. She is also a part of the National Theatre alumni Writers group.

She currently works at the Kiln Theatre and is writing her debut play “Everyone’s Invited”. 

To listen to Afriya’s piece CLICK HERE.

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